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perpetuum_mobile dienasgrāmata
 Pirmdiena 25-10-2010 14:43  70

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I’ve always liked the Van Morrison lyric, “all the girls walk by, dressed up for each other.” It’s a line that wraps up my understanding of women and high fashion. Beyond a certain threshold, the sartorial obsessions of women are no longer about looking attractive for men. Fashion is really about impressing other women. Fashion is, in its own way, a competitive endeavor. I know few men who give a damn whether their mates have the “right” handbag to go with those heels. But certain women will notice and smile – or sneer.

The fashion industry is in the business of cultivating neophilia. It’s not about producing something of lasting value, or about making something practical, or about making something better. It’s about making something new and grabbing headlines. It’s about entertaining fickle, damaged people who are dead inside. They get bored with one look, and then they swing to another extreme, and then a couple of years later they “rediscover” how great that old look was.
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