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Reģistrēties Aizmirsu paroli!
tanaka dienasgrāmata
 Piektdiena 19-07-2024 14:51 1  13

Ja kādam ir problēmas ar Windovs.

CrowdStrike - the biggest cybersecurity firm you`ve never heard of. One that like many operates in the shadows and is one of the most important cogs in the supply chain that links some of the biggest companies in the world.

It is essentially the watchdog and protector of websites and web services. Its popularity propelled it to mighty heights as it briefly surpassed a market capitalization of $100 billion just a few days ago.

Headquartered in Austin, Texas, the company, which was founded in 2011, boasts nearly 8, 000 workers – and will be a familiar sight to fans of Formula 1, having sponsored the Mercedes F1 team for several seasons, its logo portrayed clearly on the car`s front wing as well as the driver suits.

Fortunately, CrowdStrike has since announced at 2:30 a.m. ET that it has identified the causing the issue and rolled it back. The company also offered a workaround for anyone having problems: 1.) "Boot Windows into Safe Mode or the Windows Recovery Environment 2.) "Navigate to the C:WindowsSystem32driversCrowdStrike directory 3.) "Locate the file matching `C-0000029*.sys`, and it. 4.) "Boot the host normally." PS. Tomēr ieteiktu sazināties IT speciālistu. Vai tā var novērst problēmu? Nezinu. IT speciālistiem lielā naudas pelnīšanas laiks.

Sapnī redzēju lielu vētru!!! tracer! Vai gribi Andai muguriņu ar ...
citi ieraksti tanaka d-grāmatā (~101)
tracer: man bija probleema ar windousu🥺
izraadiijas vaina nebija liela
nomazgaaju.un atkal sauliite iespiid manaa ligzdinjaa😘
2024-07-19 18:57
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