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Dienasgrāmatas (blogi)

 fargo,  06-02-2016 16:09 4  10

I Will Not Allow My Daughter To Be A Victim Of Gender Equality

Matt Walsh
džentelmeņi īstenībā, es esmu ķaķe
citi ieraksti fargo d-grāmatā
MrJones: Nujaa....pagaidaam taa maates funkcija ir kaa trauceejoshais factors, plaani itkaa esot liidz 2045g. pilniibaa paariet uz kloneeshanu!
...vai mees to piedziivosim......?
2016-02-06 17:21
fargo: man veselība nav īpaši spoža. es, laikam, nepiedzīvošu.
2016-02-06 17:30
fargo: Many liberals, faced with the prospect of being forced to actually die — or watch their daughters die — for the sake of their delusional beliefs, have tried to take the easy way out. They’ve said we ought to just abolish the draft altogether. But the draft is in place in case of a national emergency, and it’s not going anywhere. We haven’t had to use it in many decades, but if the time ever comes when our stock of volunteers has been catastrophically depleted in some epic, bloody war, we may not have a choice.

Now, if that moment arrives, the military will have to sift through thousands of teenage girls who can’t even do one push up, let alone carry a 60-pound rucksack across the desert. The military will be absolutely flooded with egregiously unfit recruits culled from sorority houses and Justin Bieber concerts. We’ll be occupied and enslaved by the invading hordes before we even get the first group of draftees through basic training.

And, at that point, we’ll deserve our fate. Are we even worth defending if it means sending our daughters off to die? Well, maybe sending your daughter, anyway. Mine will not be sent anywhere. My daughter will not sign up for the draft, no matter what the government says. If this becomes law, I will break the law and do so proudly. I will not allow my daughter to be a part of this national disgrace, and if that means we must leave the United States altogether — good riddance. I honestly do not want to live in a country that uses its women as human shields.

We already kill our children by the millions, if now we are asked to sacrifice our daughters, how can we even call ourselves a nation? We are not a nation. We are a black hole. We are a decaying carcass. We are Sodom. We are even worse than all of that.

I cannot fully articulate just how damnably evil and cowardly it is to send women into war against their will. Whether or not such a war ever comes — and I believe it may, sooner or later — the very fact that we are prepared to do such a thing, that the law has mandated such a thing, is enough for me to pray that God finally smites our hideous, craven society, so that we can construct a new one from scratch. And if that ever happens, I’d like to hereby suggest that we banish from our new society any gutless, reprehensible, cowed little man who is now nodding with approval at the idea of forcibly shipping our daughters off to be blown apart. Men as unspeakably selfish and weak as that can be of no use in the rebuilding process.
2016-02-06 17:34
Rinkulis: Neprāts tas paskaties noskaņu...tā raksta komentāros... Kādi ir risinājumi cilvēkiem....Nevis cīnīties par SAVU aizbraukt kaut kur, kur ir "labāk". Un tas ir globāls fenomens. Protams, arī radies laika gaitā un ne jau bez ārējas iedarbības.
2016-02-09 11:53
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