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vvr dienasgrāmata
 Ceturtdiena 06-11-2008 18:04  36

Hugh Laurie - Protest Song

Well, the poor keep getting hungry, and the rich keep getting fat
Politicians change, but they`re never gonna change that.
Girl, we got the answer, it`s so easy you won`t believe
All we gotta do is...

Well, the winds of war are blowin`, and the tide is comin` in
Don`t you be hopin` for the good times, because the good times have already been.
But, girl, we got the answer, it`s so easy you won`t believe
All we gotta do is...

It`s so easy, to see
If only they`d listen, to you and me.
We got to... as fast as we can
We got to... every woman, every man
We got to... time after time
We got to... vodka and lime.

Well, the world is gettin` weary, and it wants to go to bed
Everybody`s dyin`, except the ones who are already dead.
Girl, we got the answer, starin` us right in the face
All we gotta do is
All we gotta do is
All we gotta do is...

Šovakar budisti māca kristiešiem spēlēt... 2dien atkal jāiet VIDā...
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