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Reģistrēties Aizmirsu paroli!
Milady dienasgrāmata
 Piektdiena 03-06-2005 14:02  28
I feel so lonely...
I was so pretty...
Maybe I`m too pretty???
Everyone tell me that I have wonderful voice...
But it means to me nothing `couse you weren`t there... You didn`t heard that; you didn`t saw that...
I thinked only `bout you, Dear... All was only dedicates to you, but you don`t know...
You don`t even know that everything I do, everything I feel, all is only for you...
"And smetimes when we tuch, The honesty`s too much"... That`s all about you and me, what I sang about...
I Love You! I want to scream that loud... But that only lays deep in my heart...
Why you are so far from me? Why I understand my feelings about you only now? I know you s long time... And you know me too... Why it hurts s much? What will happen? Does anything changing? Do you love me for real too???
Tas ir pats svarīgākais... mīlestība.... Miileet tas ir skaisti... Miilestiiba...
citi ieraksti Milady d-grāmatā (~32)
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